why is there an 'e' in my whisky?
You undoubtedly and keenly noticed the two spellings of whiskey... and whisky.
Poor editing control? Too much whiskey (or whisky)?
Not this time. There are two ways to spell whisk(e)y.
And that's due to the translations from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic.
The Non-"e" whisky comes from the Scottish Gaelic "uisge beatha" while in Irish Gaelic, it's spelled "uisce beatha". Translated, it means: the water of life.
To "e" or not to "e" depends on the country the spirit is distilled in. Some use the "if there's an "e" in the country's name" rule, with said "e" in the spelling and apply the opposite to the countries that don't have said "e" in their name.
So Canada, Japan and Scotland don't have the 'e' and they distill whisky.
The United States and Ireland have an 'e' and they distill whiskey.
Ah, but in the U.S., brands like Maker's Mark , Rittenhouse and Balcones spell whisky without the "e".
Sweden has two "e"'s in its name but no "e" in its whisky... or France... or Belgium... or Switzerland. Come to think of it, the Netherlands has two "e"'s also. (Hang on a sec - Zuidam Distillers make whisky but Horstman makes whiskey. This is getting complicated.)
Oh, and throw in places like Australia, Finland, India and Norway that don't have an "e" in their name, nor in their whisky.
Either way, it doesn't matter if your whisky (or whiskey) has an "e". The only "e" you truly need, is in "enjoy".